Mrs Macquarie's iris, painting and mosaic
This is a postscript (or sequel) to my posting on the bearded iris bred in honour of Elizabeth Macquarie.
Firstly I should correct my assumption that the Governor would launch the iris. Professor Marie Bashir has been so intimately involved in the Macquarie celebrations and tireless in her participation in events all over the State, I had just assumed she would be present.
Present today we had Marie Sullivan, the force behind the Macquarie 2010 celebrations and member of the NSW Government's Macquarie 2010 Bicentenary Commemorative Committee, Elaine Musgrave, botanical artist responsible for the portrait of the Elizabeth Macquarie Iris, Dennis & Franco Colussi, designers and creaters of the Mrs Macquarie Mosaic, and Councillor Bart Bassett, Mayor of Hawkesbury City.
Lots of other local politicians and dignatories were in attendance. Di Cox, who I mentioned in the last posting and President of the Iris Society of New South Wales, talked about the breeding of the Elizabeth Macquarie iris. Kath von Witt, Director of the Windsor Gallery & Museum, accepted Elaine's painting (minus the glass panel that broke after a gust of wind unsettled the picture on its easel) on behalf of the Gallery.
Marie gave a lovely speech about Elizabeth Macquarie and the respect in which she was held by husband Lachlin, and many others. Here are are a few pictures of the day. As you can see, unfortunately the iris didn't flower in time (but should be in full bloom in time for the annual iris show at Blackheath in two weeks...). Cutting the ribbon is Mayor Bassett, with Marie Sullivan to his left and Di Cox to his right. The rest should be self explantory and I missed my opportunity to capture Elaine's painting, or Elaine...