Talking Plants shut up, for now

Last week was exactly 14 years since I began my Talking Plants blog (22 November 2008). I've posted at least weekly - and in the early years more often - with only a brief break while leading a tour to Spain a few years ago (when I still posted a few pictures each week in lieu of a full written plant portrait).  In all, 1,119 blog posts, including this one.

I expect I'll return in a few months with more posts, but I'll see how things go. I do think we need social media that is more than a picture, a name and a quirky comment, but maybe I'm misreading that. In any case, my blog remains a useful resource for me at least when I want to check on the finer details of a particular plant or place, or to track down a reference.

In the meantime:

Backson. Prolly.


Images: from a recent trip to Tasmania with the Australian Garden History Society (thanks Lynda Entwisle and Trisha Dixon)


Unknown said…
Thanks Tim for a little lifetime of botanical byways (and highways).
Some real gems amongst those, and always something pleasantly distracting.

Interested to see what the next chapter might cover
Lovely feedback, thanks! I doubt I'll be able to stay away for too long...
Daisy Debs said…
I really love reading your journal . The way you speak in a more botanically correct and interesting way about plants and flowers . Have a refreshing break then do return please !
I love that last picture 😊
Thanks. I'm missing it already... 🙂
Anonymous said…
I've been following your blog for years, sure I've read more than a few of your thousands of posts! Have a wonderful adventure, no matter what you do I'm sure it will be wonderful. Stay safe and have a rewarding time exploring plants and people! Walt
Thanks Walt 🙂
Sonam Sharma said…
This site has useful content. Talking about plants is really important. Because of that, we'll be able to protect nature which we have destroyed so much in the past decades.