Dangerously seductive White Cedar

Everyone knows the White Cedar. I forgot once, when asked on radio about deciduous Australian trees. I replied with confidence that the Deciduous Beech, Nothofagus gunnii, was our only winter deciduous plant, with a few odds and ends in the tropics losing leaves at various times in response to drys and wets. Or something like that.

I was reminded after the interview of Melia azedarach, from the eastern flanks of New South Wales up into northern Australia and through to India, China and Japan. And now established beyond this range in Australia and elsewhere, as well as a popular and hardy street tree. (There is one species of Melia only in the Asian region, with one other from tropical Africa.)

The White Cedar does indeed loose its leaves in winter. That when you usually notice the woody fruits, dangling from bare branches or, to the irritation of those who mow lawns, embedded within the turf.

On a Sunday afternoon way back in early November, I took a closer look at the flowers. I knew they were white with a purple splodge but hadn't taken a close look at their inner workings.

That splodge turns out to be an anther [or staminal] tube, which is tube made from the fused stalks (filaments) of the male parts of the flower. The pollen-bearing anthers are attached just inside that minutely toothed top of the tube.

Deeper inside that tube is the female part of the flower, as you can see in this next dissected flower. The ovaries are in the swollen base of that green tube and the receptive stigma at its top, just about where the anthers are sitting.

All very neat and with the pollination action at the top of the tube. It's possible there is something attractive like nectar inside the tube but perhaps the flower is simply protruding its important bits above the flower for the ease of flying pollinators.

My flowers were crawling with thrips of some kind (you can see them on the undissected flower above); or at least the thrips were crawling around the flowers, and then onto my desk at home. I doubt these are effective pollinators, and hummingbirds have been implicated outside Australia. The fruits form pretty readily so I expect they may be self-fertile (the receptive bits are certainly close together!).

Apart from their deciduousness, they are also well know as a poisonous plant. In the Western Australian flora on-line, Florabase, you'll read that 6-9 fruits, 30-40 seeds or 400 grams of bark - take your choice of poison - is toxic.

The message is clearly to avoid consuming any part of this tree. You might also avoid mowing your lawn if there are White Cedar fruits about. As tree expert Greg Moore wrote in The Conversation last year, the fruits are 'as hard as ball bearings' and will fire like bullets. As Greg puts it, this is a hazard for people walking by at the time and, if the fruits land on a path, for others who may slip on them later.

There are non-fruiting forms now available but these have not reached the streets of Glen Iris yet. Still the trees I photographed in November were pretty in fresh leaf, flower and persisting fruit. Better still they weren't growing on my nature strip.


Unknown said…
Seductive indeed. Hailing as I do from the tropical SE Asia, I had to do a double take when I first glanced at a Melia tree after relocating to Melbourne. Doppelganger in my eyes to its relative the Neem tree (Azadirachta indica).
It is quite often the sole deciduous tree of choice when looking for native options, in public streets/landscapes. Toona ciliata is the other, though semi-deciduous in my experience.
Strange also that while the Neem is heralded for its health promoting effects, my experience in managing public open space, is fielding complaints about the mess it leaves and the occasional request to remove it because it's poisonous.
Thanks for the feedback. Yes it does get mixed reactions - some dislike it due to poison risk and/or detrimental impacts of fruits on mowers! - others find it hardy and attractive. All true... I guess that's true with most medicinal or purportedly medicinal plants, small quantities cure and large quantities can kill. It's all about the dose, which is why it is generally better to rely on tested medicines in tablets. There were some lovely Toona in Sydney's botanic garden but I would have thought it was a little large for most streetscapes - sadly. All the best.
John Fitzgibbon said…
I found a sterile variant 10 years ago in a Darebin City Council streetscape. This variety is known as ‘Elite’ and is sold through Metro Trees in Silvan Victoria. The flowers do not become complete. Anyway, fruitless and safe in regard to pedestrian trip hazard and congestion of fruit by humans and animals.

John Fitzgibbon
Thanks John. That's good to know. Not sure how I feel about this species not producing it's distinctive, but irritating!, fruit. A good solution though. Tim
Anonymous said…
Its roots and fruits are used medicinally, especially fruits for industrial oil material and soap bar.
Sue Murphy said…
Tim and commenters, thanks for this discussion of Melia. Maybe we should keep some of our fruiting specimens in the landscape? Ethanolic fruit extracts may be a possible treatment for elm leaf beetle, both larvae and adults. Take a look at Valladares et al, (1997) Laboratory Evaluation of Melia azeadarach (Meliaceae) Extracts against the elm leaf beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Journal of Economic Entomology 90 (3): 747-750.
Thanks Sue. That's very interesting - I wonder if that potential has been realised in the intervening years? I presume it would depend on the toxicity of the compound more generally and any other organisms that might be impacted. There are plenty of fruited plants in cultivation and nature, so I imagine we wouldn't run short of this extract. Tim
Unknown said…
Hi, is a neem tree & white cedar the same tree?
No the neem tree is a different genus and species, Azadirachta indica, but there is a similarity in the names - with the species name of the White Elder being the genus name of the Neem! They do have some similarities but are different things.
Unknown said…
Loved the discussion. Since I observed both trees very closely, beem while growing up in India and white cedar here in Melbourne, the similarity is the scent/fragrance of the flowers. In a way, the scent is so nostalgic as it takes me back to my childhood days. I agree about the views expressed about what is a medicinal and what is poisonous. I will not hesitate to use a decoction of white cedar leaves as a pesticide for aphids etc as I find it much better than using chemical pesticides.
Unknown said…
I have these trees on a quarter acre block in SA. Lovely shade, but very messy and squishy fruit so they're all getting culled. They cause an absulute mess. Would rather eucalyptus mess.
Unknown said…
Horrible tree
The fruits certainly aren't popular once they leave the tree. I know that people who grow lawn underneath find them difficult (and dangerous) to mow over. I guess every planted tree requires a cost/benefit, which will come out differently in each location and for each person.
Unknown said…
Love these trees, we have about 20 on our acre here in south west Qld. The bats and Australasian fig birds eat all the berries. They would be the fastest growing trees around. They self seed all through the garden. We’ve supplied many family and friends with babies. The grub needs to be managed or they will eat all your leaves. We spray ours with a insecticide around the bottom of the trunk once or twice a summer.
Thanks for that post on south west Queensland. Don't seem to self seed as much around Victoria but obviously like the climate up your way!