Red (and Purple) Surprise

A short note, and an excuse to include this overly vivid picture I took of the bromeliad Billbergia pyramidalis growing in my home garden a few years ago.
What attracted my attention this year was the sudden mass flowering. Last Sunday I saw a single red bud inside one of the bromeliad 'tanks'. By next weekend (today), I thought, they'll all be popping up.
Not only did they all pop up, but by Tuesday, two days later, the bright red flowering structures were all sitting up above the leaves and the flowers ready to open. It was literally two days from the hint of red in one, to more than half of the 100 or so individuals sporting a fully protruding floral arrangement.
I think all our 'plants' have spread from a single original planting (or two) so genetically I'm sure they are pretty much the same. It's just curious, and fun, that they respond so consistently to the flowering trigger, even when they are now growing in separate clumbs (and some in pots).
Billbergia is notorious for its short-lived flowers, so I expect that by next weekend it will all be over.
Another curious, or not, thing is the purple tip to the style. It's not unlike the tip of the flower of another bromeliad, Aechmea gamosepala, which I used to illustrate a blog about weird life (although my camera is not up to getting the colours exactly right in either picture...). Obviously there is a shared palete in their evolutionary history, and presumably this colour is attractive to their potential pollinators.
Billbergia is notorious for its short-lived flowers, so I expect that by next weekend it will all be over.
Another curious, or not, thing is the purple tip to the style. It's not unlike the tip of the flower of another bromeliad, Aechmea gamosepala, which I used to illustrate a blog about weird life (although my camera is not up to getting the colours exactly right in either picture...). Obviously there is a shared palete in their evolutionary history, and presumably this colour is attractive to their potential pollinators.