From Birds to Cats - the road to Geelong

I broke the (short but not particularly scenic) journey from Melbourne to Geelong with a stop at Werribee Park. I'd always wanted to look at the garden and sculpture walk around this majestic 1877 house.
Lovely sweeping lawns and pretty flower beds, but also a great collection of lichens on the concrete balustrade. My pictures show the Parterre (the 'on the ground' display of annuals) from the balcony and looking towards the house. The bird-like creature created from plants? That was just in the garden somewhere but it was cute.
The following picture, like an artist's palette, is the top of the balustrade.
The following picture, like an artist's palette, is the top of the balustrade.

The sculpture walk includes lots of great pieces, including the one below which has a nice link to my pictures from yesterday of the forests recovering from fire.

Finally I reached Geelong, and guess what - apparently they won the AFL Grand Final. Who would have guessed...
