Reservists on Parade

Looking after the Domain as well as three botanic gardens means there is a lot more to life than plants and horticulture (in fact within the botanic gardens there is more as well but the Domain is different).
Today there I sat with senior soldiers, politicians and other dignatories to watch the Vice Regal Review of the National Reserve Forces Day Parade. Another gorgeous morning in Sydney, as the '39ers' (reservists serving during the Second World War) were honoured first, then various brigades of service people.
The NSW Governor and NSW Patron of the Reserve Forces Day Council received a Royal Salute then inspected the parade, before saying a few words of welcome and thanks. This year is 70 years since the start of the Second World War, an opportunity to thank the many people in the reserve forces back then, and today.
The event went like clock-work, in true military style. Very formal and respectful, as it should be, but also very powerful when you scan the faces of those who served during wars between 1939 and today. For a civilian in a suit, very humbling.