Keep on keeping on

Today about ten of us at the Botanic Gardens Trust took the sustainabilty challenge! Actually it wasn't called that but I've clearly watched too many cereal ads (or perhaps one too many episodes of Wipeout - I've actually watched one).
We tested ourselves with the DECC Sustainability Advantage 'management diagnostic', as have 250 other private and public organisations in New South Wales.
We came out pretty well, with a '2 star' rating overall - but only 10% off getting 3 stars!! More importantly we found that we needed to work harder at telling our staff about the great things we are already doing, as well as simplifying the tangle of reports and strategies we've signed up to. We also need to make sure the data we collect and plot gets to the people who need it.
A very useful process, which got us talking about (and debating) our sustainability and environmental performance. All in two hours. I recommend it.